AAC provides actionable advice and services to help clients manage conflict where stakeholders perceive a real threat to their needs, interests or concerns, on a worldwide basis.
We Maintain a Holistic Understanding of Conflict
AAC applies sociological root cause analysis of the underlying conflict, factoring in metrics such as historical efficiency, demographic effectiveness and geographical wellness. We look for the big picture that creates or enables conflict and helps clients develop strategies to manage it.
We Create Repeatable Beneficial Outcomes
AAC helps clients aid in the rehabilitation of indigenous systems of justice and reconciliation, initiating and promoting sustainment of practices of tribal negotiation and mediation.
We Use Automated Tools
AAC uses proprietary psychometric tools to assess and model both individual and group behavior. We build psycho-historiographies of villages, towns, provinces, clans, tribes, and communal structures. Our support can also include organization and supervision of participatory action research, facilitation, and community development.