Logistics Test

As a part of the total lifecycle management of a system, Life Cycle Logistics (LCL) plays a crucial role in the pre-acquisition, acquisition, and sustainment phases of the system lifecycle.

AAC’s experienced logistics engineers and SMEs provide actionable advice and support at every phase. We help you:

Our engineers apply leading edge modeling and simulation to logistics support.

We provide comprehensive acquisition logistics strategy assistance to help you determine an optimal support strategy.

Our logistics engineers develop DoD-compliant logistics support architectures.


Succeed within the Complex Acquisition Process
We traverse the JCIDS Analysis, ICD, and AoA Processes to ensure affordable operational effectiveness is considered while we help you map your program’s planning, resource, and logistics sustainment requirements to warfighter needs.

Understand the LCL Drivers Early
We identify and document the LCL drivers that will impact the supportability-related design requirements of the planned system and its support system.

Support the Technology Development Strategy
We evaluate the operational effectiveness, suitability, and estimated cost of alternative systems, leading to a Technology Development Strategy.

Always Apply a Systems Engineering Perspective
We leverage the systems engineering process to increase reliability and reduce the logistics footprint throughout the acquisition process.

Provide for Optimized System Support
We provide for effective product support during sustainment, using innovative Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) strategies to optimize total system availability while minimizing cost and logistics footprint.